Exclusive Personal Development Workshop for Executives and Entrepreneurs @ Spier Wine Estate
Harness the CliftonStrengths assessment to discover what makes you uniquely powerful!
Time & Location
11 Mar 2023, 08:00 – 12 Mar 2023, 17:00
Stellenbosch, Annandale Rd, Stellenbosch NU, Stellenbosch, South Africa
About the event
This exclusive opportunity is for you if you:
- know about CliftonStrengths but have not done the assessment
- have done your CliftonStrengths assessment but haven't had any deep-level coaching on how to apply and utilise it
- want certainty about your strengths and how they apply to work/career change/personal life goals or obstacles (overcome, understand, upgrade)
- want to learn how to maximise your output by directing your energy and strengths and avoiding things you are naturally bad at
- want a deeper understanding of yourself/your colleagues or team/family/spouse
- want to activate your strengths to unlock and maximise your potential
- level up your productivity
- want to learn how to upskill/level up/practice self-care more effectively
- discover how to do more of what energises you, and less of what you hate
- network with incredible people at one of the top wine estates in the Western Cape.
The tools and skills you learn here will grow exponentially in value and impact as you apply them.Â
As part of the workshop, you will also get productivity and time management coaching, a 50% discount code for the online event for up to 5 people, and more. The top performer at the workshop will also get access to:
- The Clarity Quest Part 1 + group coaching (1 month)
- Time management webinar and similar related assets (lifetime)
Live attendees will also get a two-course chef's meal and refreshments throughout the day each day, as well as a host of other exclusive goodies.Â
There are only 10 spots available for the live workshop, so don't miss out on this unforgettable event!
If you attend live or online, you will also get access to the recording for free.
Please note that the CliftonStrengths (previously StrengthsFinder) assessment is not included in the fee. If you have already completed your CliftonStrengths test (Top 5 or Full 34), please send your results to me at francois@francoisesterhuizen.com.
If you haven't completed the assessment, you can purchase the Top 5 test for only R345 from Gallup by clicking here.
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- If you are not willing to become a full-on full-time evangelist of me and this workshop I will coach you one-on-one until you are.
- If you feel like you did not get at least double the value for your money I will coach you one on one until you are ready to introduce me to your parents.
What I'm trying to say is that if you are not happy I'm not happy, and I will work with you until we both are filled with joy.
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What is the CliftonStrengths assessment?
The CliftonStrengths assessment is a Web-based assessment of normal personality from the perspective of Positive Psychology. It is the first instrument of this type developed expressly for the Internet. Over a secure connection, the CliftonStrengths assessment presents 177 items to you. Each item consists of a pair of potential self-descriptors, such as "I read instructions carefully" versus "I like to jump right into things."
The descriptors are placed as if anchoring polar ends of a continuum. You are then asked to choose the descriptor that best describes you, and to identify the extent to which that chosen option is descriptive of you. You are given 20 seconds to respond to a given pair of descriptors before the assessment automatically presents the next pair.
What is a strength?
A strength is the ability to consistently provide near-perfect performance in a specific activity. The key to building a strength is to identify your dominant talents, then complement them by acquiring knowledge and skills pertinent to the activity.
What is the difference between a talent and a strength?
A strength is the ability to consistently provide near-perfect performance in a specific activity. Talents are naturally recurring patterns of thought, feeling, or behaviour that can be productively applied. Talents, knowledge, and skills -- along with the time spent (i.e., investment) practicing, developing your skills, and building your knowledge base -- combine to create your strengths.
For example, being drawn toward strangers and enjoying the challenge of making a connection with them are talents (from the Woo theme), whereas the ability to consistently build a network of supporters who know you and are prepared to help you is a strength. To build this strength, you have refined your talents with skills and knowledge. Likewise, the tendency to confront others is a talent (from the Command theme), whereas the ability to sell successfully is a strength. To persuade others to buy your product, you must have combined your talent with product knowledge and certain selling skills.
Although talents, skills, and knowledge are each important for building a strength, talent is always the most important. The reason is that your talents are innate and cannot be acquired, unlike skills and knowledge. For example, as a salesperson you can learn your products' features (knowledge), you can be trained to ask the right open-ended questions (a skill), and you can practice making a sale (investment). However, the innate tendency to push a customer to commit at exactly the right moment, in exactly the right way must be naturally occurring and cannot be learned.
The key to building a fully developed strength is to identify your most dominant talents, which are likely found within your top five themes, then complement them with acquired knowledge, skills, and investment.
Can my talents change?
Because talents are naturally enduring, it is unlikely that your talents will change significantly over the course of your life. By shifting your focus and acquiring new skills and knowledge to capitalize on your greatest talents in different ways, you can develop new strengths.
However, this does not mean that you won't change during the course of your life. You surely will change in some respects. Your values, the moral compass that focuses your life, will point you in different directions at age 20 than at age 60. Also, your self-awareness will deepen as you age, making you less defensive about your lesser talents and more sophisticated about where and how to apply your greatest talents.
Nevertheless, how you naturally feel, think, and behave almost certainly will remain the same. As your life progresses, you more fully develop who you already are.
Are any of the themes opposites?
No. Each theme is discrete. The Futuristic theme (fascination with the future) is not the opposite of the Context theme (fascination with the past). Similarly, the Discipline theme (desire for routine and structure) is not the opposite of the Adaptability theme (ability to "go with the flow").
Your powerful talents in one theme do not prevent you from being highly talented in any other theme.
Can you build a strength through practice alone, or does it require some natural talent?
Development of a strength in any activity requires talents, which are naturally recurring patterns of thought, feeling, or behaviour that can be productively applied. Knowledge and skill are key components of strength, but to possess true strength (i.e., the ability to consistently provide near-perfect performance in a specific activity) you must use the best of your natural self -- your dominant talents.
What is Gallup's position on strengths and weaknesses?
Without a great deal of hard work, talent alone is never enough. Without natural talent, a lot of hard work will yield little return. Therefore, when considering where to invest one's time, energy, and attention, Gallup research indicates that the best place to start is in an area of strength. Yet by no means does any of our research suggest that people should ignore their weaknesses. To do so, especially in the classroom or workplace, is reckless.
All of Gallup's development programs focus on helping individuals to build on their strengths and to determine how their weaknesses can best be managed. Our strengths-based approached has helped students to increase retention, academic engagement, perceived academic control, hope, and wellbeing. Likewise, strengths can help staff and faculty increase productivity, drive performance, and improve areas with underperforming management or leadership. We do not advise ignoring areas of weakness; the result would be detrimental to a campus's impact -- and likely an individual's career.
I'd only like the recording
Get the recording of my whole-day CliftonStrengths coaching workshop on how to harness your innate strengths to supercharge your life. REMEMBER, if you are attending live or online the recording is included. You will get the link to the recording during the week after the event.
ZARÂ 450.00Sale ended
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