Why you only need to take responsibility for FOUR key areas to change everything!
What is magical thinking and why you should stop it?
The real reason why you often do not get what you want or need from other people.
Why setting goals isn't enough and what to do instead.
Why your definition of love is probably holding you back, and how to develop a healthier understanding of love.
How demystifying love can empower you.
How to use life's most powerful tool to unlock personal transformation.
Here is what you can expect from this book:
CLARITY: This book is concise and to the point, diving straight into what you need to understand and do.
PRACTICAL APPLICATION: I don't waste your time with unnecessary stories and philosophy. You get practical tools from the beginning.
IMMEDIATE APPLICATION: You can read this book in an afternoon and start applying what you learned immediately.
PROVEN TECHNIQUES: I use these tools myself and have seen the great results my clients get when they use them.
RELIABLE PRINCIPLES: The content is based on ancient, time-tested principles. True wisdom never becomes obsolete; it just finds fresh expression in new models and techniques.
This is what you will not find in this book:
WAFFLE: I will not waste your time with filler content.
SALES PITCHES: I'm not trying to sell you other products or courses. It's just value from page 1.
LONG PARAGRAPHS: I designed it to be easy to process and apply, with impact pages to highlight key concepts.
PREACHY PREACHING: I'm not interested in telling you what to believe or how to live your life; I'm offering you tools to help you get unstuck and turn your potential into passion and purpose.